Formatos de Campanhas:
Banners on the largest websites and apps, according
to your selected audience, in image, video or animated GIFs.
Metric: CPM (Cost Per Thousand)
It's the cost of a thousand ad impressions on a page.
The value is calculated by dividing the total campaign
cost by the total number of impressions received.

Objective: Brand Recognition.
This format is recommended for making
consumers know about your brand or
product, gaining credibility.

Sales: Upper-Funnel.
First stage of the sales process,
in which consumers are looking for
information about products and services.

Formato: 300x250

Formato: 300x250

Formato: 300x250
Ads in a non-intrusive format, looking like real
news within websites, blogs and content pages.
Metric: CPC (Cost Per Click)
It’s the average amount charged for a click on a digital ad.
The value is calculated by dividing the total campaign
cost by the total number of clicks actually received.

Objective: Brand Engagement.
Este formato é recomendado para fazer
com que os consumidores engagem com
a sua marca e a considerem para uma compra.

Sales: Mid-Funnel.
It’s the intermediate phase of the purchase process,
where visitors interact with your creative
and get to know your brand/product/service.

Formato: 1200x627

Formato: 1200x627

Formato: 1200x627
It is the purchase of text results for specific keywords
on search engines such as Google Search.
Metric: CTR (Click Through Rate)
It is the click rate of a digital ad, the rate between the
number of clicks and the number of views. When higher
the rate, better the efficiency and ad results.

Objective: Lead/Sales Generation.
This format is recommended to impact who
is already at an advanced stage of purchase
or already know your brand/company.

Sales: Bottom-Funnel.
It is the last step of the sales process,
in which consumers are very close to
make a definitive purchase decision.

What is Native 3.0?
It’s a proprietary Pixel Roads technology,
developed with artificial intelligence and
advanced performance algorithms.
How does this technology work?
With this innovative tool, we simultaneously serve Native Ads across multiple channels and inventories, while our algorithm does the optimization effort automatically, 24 hours a day.
What are the advantages of using N3?
- Lowest CPC in the market;
- Automatic A/B tests;
- Better Native Ads performance;
- Exponential algorithm learning;
- Automatic optimizations with AI;
- Integrated reports between platforms.